
From FSCONS wiki
Revision as of 01:26, 23 June 2011 by Grégoire (talk | contribs) (Removing the limit of 20 item displayed)
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This templates insert a automatic todo list in the page. The todolist can be customized for a particular team if needed.


insert the full todo list

Inserting the list of all active todo items is really easy, just write {{todolist}} in the page source. This will produce the following output:

Defined inTaskTeamAssigned to
AccessibilityMake some text/paper with basic accessibility info that the staff should readYou?
AccessibilityContact sign language interpretators and ask about a new cooperationYou?
AccessibilityCheck if we can lend/rent a hearing loop, prices or as sponsorshipYou?
Accessibility aspect 2013Check if we can lend/rent a hearing loop, prices or as sponsorshipYou?
Accessibility aspect 2013Make some text/paper with basic accessibility info that the staff should readYou?
Accessibility aspect 2013Contact sign language interpretators and ask about a new cooperationYou?
Eighth planning meeting 2012Come up with complete budget estimate for hardware aspect.Klondike
Eighth planning meeting 2012LJO + GD collects the votes. Stian asks the preferred keynotesStian
FSCONS 2011/Teams
FSCONS 2012/VenueMake sure cleaning equipment is available
Fourteenth planning meeting 2012Oliver asks for instructions templates.Heavensmile
Fourteenth planning meeting 2012Leif-Jöran collects these requirements.Ljo
Fourth Planning meeting 2012Create a proposal for the external social event on SundayMy
Ninth planning meeting 2012Check total price according to discussion items.Alireza,Evelina
Ninth planning meeting 2012Oliver P collects the new venue plans for next meeting.Oliver
Ninth planning meeting 2012Grégoire bring back discussion to FFKP and come back with negotiationable terms after their board meeting August 27th.Grégoire
Ninth planning meeting 2012Grégoire check dealines. And coordinate it with magazine ads deadline.
Ninth planning meeting 2012Oliver P check magazine ads deadline.Oliver
Ninth planning meeting 2012Come back with decision within two weeks.My,Anton
Past ConferencesWrite-up of 2013Kilroy
Seventh planning meeting 2012Ask Rikard or on org mailing list about coordinating security aspectGrégoire
Seventh planning meeting 2012Ask last years responsible person about reception. Negative answer received. Continues looking.Grégoire
Seventh planning meeting 2012Find new maps of the building in order to decide locationJonas
Seventh planning meeting 2012Put draft print material list related to marketing in aspect pageLjo
Sixteenth planning meeting 2012Send payment details to LJO.My,Anton
Sixteenth planning meeting 2012Send descriptions to LJO before Tuesday morning.Alireza,Evelina
Sixteenth planning meeting 2012Coordinate car schedule with Grégoire.
Sixteenth planning meeting 2012E-mail to volunteers.
Sixteenth planning meeting 2012Get the .
Sixteenth planning meeting 2012Where do we borrow/rent?.My,Anton
Sixteenth planning meeting 2012Ask to borrow from floor 2.Ljo
Sixth planning meeting 2012Sign responsibility for venue contract which is needed according to Jonas.Ljo
Sixth planning meeting 2012Ljo
Tenth planning meeting 2012
Tenth planning meeting 2012My will discuss with the Social Event Committee about the food that is served or possible to serve at Kuggen
Tenth planning meeting 2012Since it doesn't make much sense to use the the old ffkp mail address for fscons any more, we need to setup new mail aliases.
Thirteenth planning meeting 2012Send request to the aspects on number of volunteers they need.Grégoire
Thirteenth planning meeting 2012Ask Wikimedia and NFSA if 45 minutes are good for their sessionsLjo
Thirteenth planning meeting 2012Print posters and send mail this being the final version for those that want to print it themselves.Grégoire
Thirteenth planning meeting 2012Check locks on roomsEvelina
Thirteenth planning meeting 2012Food for volunteer roomAnton/My
WorkMeeting/2014-09-15The policy committee will present a proposal for new manifesto next work meetingLjo,skymandr
WorkMeeting/2014-09-15Take courseStian
WorkMeeting/2014-09-15Ask for someone to take responsibility for the social eventsStian
WorkMeeting/2014-09-15Send emails to Stian with suggestions of speakers for the Programming languages trackAll
WorkMeeting/2014-09-15Stian will contact Jens about new postersStian
WorkMeeting/2014-09-15Ljo will discuss how to get the volunteers involved with TamLjo,Tam
WorkMeeting/2014-09-15Apply for licenseLjo
WorkMeeting/2014-09-29Change name of Open Space to Our Open SpacesSkymandr
... further results

Insert a team's todolist

If you want to select only the task for a particular team, add the parameter to the template: {{todolist| team=TeamName }}. For example, the todo list for the WebTeam can be obtain with {{todolist| team=WebTeam }}. Producing the following output: