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Grégoire Détrez
Chief Electron Orchestrator

About me

I'm a PhD student in [Computational linguistics] at Göteborg University. I like FLOSS, improbable music, 3D printing, traveling and good food.

My work

As fscons CEO (Chief Electron Orchestrator) I'm mainly responsible for the websites and maintenance of the servers. I also take care of encoding and publishing the videos and some other stuff when needed.

Contact me



  • Now that we don't use eventbrite, I disabled Swirly which is not very useful anymore... – Grégoire 💬 13:13, 26 August 2016 (CEST)
  • Thanks to Let's Encrypt we now have https on all fscons subdomains. – Grégoire 💬 20:45, 14 August 2016 (CEST)


  • New editor plugin on the wiki! – Grégoire 💬 11:29, 20 August 2014 (CEST)
  • Yesterday, I installed VoteIT on our server. A nice web app to conduct online meeting. Check it out atégoire 💬 12:45, 13 June 2014 (CEST)
  • There is a new bunch of social-ish extensions on the wiki. Watch out for the little number beside your username (top-right) – Grégoire 💬 18:31, 19 January 2014 (UTC)
  • I messed up some stuff (again) but I manage to migrate the wiki from sqlite to mysql. SQLite is cool but since all wikimedia projects run on mysql, a lot of extensions do not support sqlite very well. Now, we should be set for installing anything :-D – Grégoire 💬 19:39, 18 January 2014 (UTC)
  • I added a "next meeting" box on the wiki home page. This box should be updated automatically thanks to the SMW extension. – Grégoire 💬 18:30, 12 January 2014 (UTC)
  • I copied a user info template from mediawiki's wiki and changed the color to match fscons'. Makes nice user pages :-) – Grégoire 💬 15:18, 10 January 2014 (CET)
  • After our very efficient work on publishing the 2013's videos right after the conference, I started to look back and encode the videos of the previous years. They probably won't have the same quality of metadata as this years videos but I'm hoping to get them on youtube pretty soon. – Grégoire 💬 15:18, 10 January 2014 (CET)

My ToDoList

Defined inTaskAssigned toDeadline
Ninth planning meeting 2012Grégoire bring back discussion to FFKP and come back with negotiationable terms after their board meeting August 27th.Grégoire
Seventh planning meeting 2012Ask last years responsible person about reception. Negative answer received. Continues looking.Grégoire
Seventh planning meeting 2012Ask Rikard or on org mailing list about coordinating security aspectGrégoire
Thirteenth planning meeting 2012Send request to the aspects on number of volunteers they need.Grégoire
Thirteenth planning meeting 2012Print posters and send mail this being the final version for those that want to print it themselves.Grégoire
WorkMeeting/2014-09-29The harddrives used for storing video need to be assessed and readied for new useGrégoire
WorkMeeting/2014-10-27Add the missing three sponsors/partners to the homepageGrégoire

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