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Defined inTaskTeamAssigned to
Thirteenth planning meeting 2012Food for volunteer roomAnton/My
Thirteenth planning meeting 2012Send request to the aspects on number of volunteers they need.Grégoire
WorkMeeting/2014-09-15Ask for someone to take responsibility for the social eventsStian
WorkMeeting/2014-09-15Send emails to Stian with suggestions of speakers for the Programming languages trackAll
WorkMeeting/2014-09-15Stian will contact Jens about new postersStian
WorkMeeting/2014-09-15Ljo will discuss how to get the volunteers involved with TamLjo,Tam
WorkMeeting/2014-09-15Apply for licenseLjo
WorkMeeting/2014-09-15The policy committee will present a proposal for new manifesto next work meetingLjo,skymandr
WorkMeeting/2014-09-15Take courseStian
WorkMeeting/2014-09-29Andreas and Tab will meet to discuss the caféTab
WorkMeeting/2014-09-29Typeset and print manifesto for presentation at the conferenceLjo
WorkMeeting/2014-09-29The harddrives used for storing video need to be assessed and readied for new useGrégoire
WorkMeeting/2014-09-29Promote the new version of the manifesto online, committee will assist in highlighting changesOliver
WorkMeeting/2014-09-29Promote the conference more!All
WorkMeeting/2014-09-29Change name of Open Space to Our Open SpacesSkymandr
WorkMeeting/2014-09-29Promote the fact that young visitors will get their own Arduino, sponsored by FriprogramvarusyndikatetOliver
WorkMeeting/2014-10-13Typeset and print manifesto for presentation at the conferenceSkymandr
WorkMeeting/2014-10-13Promote the buy-before-date of early bird tickets.Oliver
WorkMeeting/2014-10-13Some speakers have requested somewhere to sleep. Everyone is encouraged to ask around for this. Someone will send an email about this to the list.Stian
WorkMeeting/2014-10-13If time permits, fix an up-to-date logotype to Promotion TeamOliver