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Revision as of 22:25, 29 March 2015 by Grégoire (talk | contribs)
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Completed ToDos

Defined inTaskTeam
2013/Fifth planning meetingAdd to template.
2013/Fifth planning meetingAdd some last details.
2013/Fifth planning meetingEnable captcha or similar to stop spambots within 2 months.
2013/Fifth planning meetingMigrate wiki.
Execution Team Meeting 2011-09-19Ask Swedbank to raise the limit on our CC machine
Execution Team Meeting 2011-09-19Prepare envelops with coupons for the speakers to be picked up at the café after registering
Execution Team Meeting 2011-09-19Order perforated A4 sheets for badges
Execution Team Meeting 2011-09-19Create A4 schedules
Execution Team Meeting 2011-09-19Create the layout for the badges
Execution Team Meeting 2011-09-19
Execution Team Meeting 2011-09-19Layout and order the drink coupons (and food coupons for speakers)
Execution Team Meeting 2011-09-19Ask Nemos if they can slice pizzas for usVolunteer information
Execution Team Meeting 2011-09-19Order 750 WLAN accounts from ITS
Execution Team Meeting 2011-09-19Print the FSCONS manifesto in huge copy
Execution Team Meeting 2011-09-19Check cleaning suppliesVenueTeam
Execution Team Meeting 2011-09-19Send ping to Inger when publishing things on fscons
Execution Team Meeting 2011-09-19Find a caterer for sandwichesVolunteer information
Execution Team Meeting 2011-09-19Prepare Nemos that there might be requests for vegan pizzasVolunteer information
Execution Team Meeting 2011-09-19Order badge holders
ExecutionTeam TaskListPlace the order for the credit card machineVolunteer information
... further results