Meeting 2011-04-19

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Extra meeting online on IRC


IRC #fscons @


  • jonasob
  • wildcard
  • razor_
  • hesa / free-mason
  • ljo
  • gustaveek


  • Budget
  • Groups


Org Meeting


Biggest changes are changed entry costs and social event location (Saturday).

Most of the costs are estimates based on last years budget, but there's a few defining differences.

One of the issues needing to be discussed is the cost for the event for a participant. Based on replies from the survey of last year, it seems that tickets in the range of €30-€100 is what people could consider paying.

The current thought is to have two levels: €30 up to a maximum of 50 registrants, and €50 up to a total of 200.

Along with other participants (speakers, staff) we'll end up at around 320 participants, which is about what the vanue can handle.

There is also the idea to have 10% of the ticket be used as a "tithe" and donated to a project that we decide on after polling interested participants. Somewhat like

This would hopefully also affect (positively) the marketing budget, if we can decide upon which project to donate to 'before' we start accepting registrations, as this would hopefully help us get some PR from that project.

The registration fee only covers basic costs, i.e. not food, etc.), but coffee and tea will be free this year too.

The most important costs are oriented around travel and accommodations for speakers, to which 49000SEK has been set aside.

This is an estimate designed to cover the cost for 10 participants, and will have to be negotiated between the tracks / track "managers".

Lunch for staff and speakers are paid for by FSCONS.

No money have been budgeted for Berg 211. The reasons for this are the price tag and that we have used the location twice now, and it might be good to get some variation. The survey also seem to suggest that the participants don't feel like Berg 211 is too important a place. The mingle event would instead, as of current thought process, be held at Lindholmen just like the Fridays and Sundays of previous years.

Given the proposed budget, there would be a surplus of roughly 38000SEK, which should be used as reserve (emergency) funds

Given these highlights, the proposed budget is accepted, and if needed later on, revising it is possible.


The relevant page is this:

One idea from yesterdays meeting was to look for participants who would act as interns or assistants, who would "learn the job" of the team leader without the burden of responsibility, so that they could shoulder more of it at next years conference.

In order for this idea to work, all the groups would need to be assigned a manager, in order for the intern to have someone to work alongside with.

Furthermore, it would probably be a good idea to better define the responsibilities of each group, and the work of the team leader.

Before this meeting the top-level groups where:

  • Shaping
  • Communication
  • Infrastructure
  • Programme
  • Staff
  • Cleanup
  • Food
  • Info desk
  • Administration

And with this structure 13 team leaders were needed.

The plan is to simplify and then expand if and when necessary.

Since the three subgroups of the infrastructure group are all manned by a team leader, the infrastructure group has been scrapped.

jonasob will take lead of the Execution group (where does this fit in to the present (soon to be altered) structure?)

jonasob is also in charge of the budget and other financial stuff.

New top-level groups would be (simplified, and expandable as needed):

  • Execution (jonasob)
  • Programme (ljo)
  • Venue (razor_)
  • Web (Gregoire)
  • Hardware (wildcard)
  • Communication (hesa)
  • Shaping (ljo)
  • Post conference wrap-up (razor_)

The Programme group needs a manager who will summarize and coordinate with the individual track managers

Track managers should be listed in the GetInvolved page.

The Communication group will have all its subgroups merged back into the Communication group itself, with one manager, and hopefully assistants heading up the subgroups, but without any responsibility.

hesa will take lead of the Communication group. hesa will also take lead on Communication:Partnership subgroup razor_ will take lead on Communication:Partnership subgroup

Assigning a post-conf manager is deferred to a later date (as it is only necessary to have one in place before the conference) razor_ volunteered for post-conf for now.

ljo can take charge of Programme group, with slight exception for doing CFPs. There are old CFP, ?which can be re-used? Otherwise, a unified team effort can manage that

Venue group needs to be either jonaso, hesa or razor_ razor_ is volunteering to take charge of Venue group.

The administration group, charged with speaker coordination, ordering plane tickets, reserve rooms, speaking with suppliers, renting cars, etc. seems to overlap both programme group (speaker coordination), venue group, and other "assistant level stuff"

The administration group will be scrapped, and responsibilities from this group distributed among the other relevant groups.

Venue group should have an assistant helping out with execution.

jonasob and razor_ is will be revising the GetInvolved page, and with that in order, hopefully be able to attract more people to try out being an assistant.

The GetInvolved page could also be improved with a small summary of what the group is expected to handle / perform

There is now an FSCONS blog at