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Revision as of 16:00, 4 January 2011


When do we want FSCONS 2011? Around November sounds sensible, but we need to make sure it doesn't conflict with so much else.

Please put stuff that could compete with FSCONS here, so we get a view of what dates to avoid...

March X Open Source conference (dk)

March 22-23 Go open (no)

Aug 6-12 Desktop summit (de)

Aug 20-21 FrOSCon (de)

Sept 28-30 Mindtrek (fi)

Oct(?) ? Embedded Linux Conference (x)

Oct 31-4 RIPE

Nov 21-12 Internetdagarna (se)

Nov 13-18 IETF


Who wants to help out with the organisation? People needed for everything from drupal development or marketing to moving furniture.


Please read our [FSCONS Manifest].


Drop whatever ideas you have here, including for speakers and topics.

Suggestion for themes/tracks (and examples of topics):

  • Commons - Common (noun), a pasture subject to common use What commons do we have historically, and what new commons emerge?
  • Accessibility - Are societies accessible to every human, regardless of visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, and neurological disabilities? What role can technology play, in increasing accessibility? Are on-line services less or more accessible than physical? What about culture?
  • Education - Challenges, possibilities and lessons learned
  • Journalism - how has journalism evolved with the www?
  • Future of devices - Will everybody have access to the world's collected knowledge and wisdom in their pockets, or will devices be more targeted towards entertainment?
  • Societies - What defines a society? What is the relationship between a state and a society? How do societies evolve?