FSCONS 2010 Themes/Ethics

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Ethics is a proposed theme for FSCONS 2010 the 6-7th of November 2010 in Gothenburg, Sweden.


How does new technology influence our moral values, and are recent developments in society on a par with contemporary values? During this theme, we will explore the multifaceted issue of contemporary ethics. Is it morally acceptable to share digital artifacts with your friends, and if it is, what does that say about the ethics of new regulations and laws seeking to criminalise or introduce harsher punishments for such actions? The theme will try to find an answer to these questions, as well as to pose the question of what is morally acceptable in todays society, and the influence of this.


The responsibility is defined generally for all themes in the FSCONS 2010 Themes page.


Name Title Scheduling Status
Glyn Moody Ethics of Intellectual Monopolies 6 Nov @ 14.15 OK
Elin Palm Invited
Mathias Klang OK
Hans Kullin Invited
Roland Alton-Scheidl Negotiating
Steven Levy Invited
Pekka Himanen Invited
Lars Sandman OK